Hazard VS Risk Hazard refers to things or actions that may cause harm to the system or its users whereas risk is a combination of the probability of a hazard to occur and the severity of its impact on the systems, its users and its environment. For each hazard, the risk is assessed and if the risk is not acceptable but can be made tolerable, measures must be introduced to reduce it ALARP Safety Critical Systems These are the software responsible for operating systems involving a human life. These software are responsible for operating system providing the desired output without posing a threat to a human life involved in the operation. Examples of these systems consists of air crafts flying on auto-pilot, radiation machines such as Therac-25 etc. Safety Critical System: Therac-25 Radiation Machine Safety Assessment Ensuring safety for humans involved in a system's operation is of critical importance. This can be done either by testing or by implementing...
This blog summarizes some of the most discussed topics from various domains of software engineering conducted in almost all graduate classes or in latest research articles from the discussed domains. The purpose of this blog is to help graduate or post-graduate students become familiar with different domains of software engineering along with the techniques, methods, frameworks, and tools used in different processes of Software Development Life cycle.